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Proof of Life…
So, yeah, it’s been another hot minute since we’ve added something the stacks here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library but life is like that sometimes. And while we’re still in the thick of things, we thought we’d better pop our heads up and at least say hi…
Small Press Saturday: House of Anansi Press
After another stressful week in the world, I’m planning on a weekend of news avoidance and indulging in nothing but books. And a great way to start this bookish weekend of mine is to introduce you to another small press!
While they are no longer super small, they are a lot smaller than Penguin Random House or Harper Collins – so say ‘Hello!’ to House of Anansi Press!
Small Press Saturday: Book*hug Press
Straight up, it has been a hell of a week. My avoidance techniques have included cooking, listening to audiobooks, working, and writing a couple of things for the Butterflies & Aliens Library. Talking about all things bookish is a welcome escape.
This Saturday, I am thrilled to introduce you to Book*hug Press.
Small Press Saturday: Goose Lane Editions
To provide a nice homebound and safe distraction from the state of the world, I am super happy to introduce you to the East Coast press, Goose Lane Editions! Goose Lane Editions is an independent press located in Fredericton, New Brunswick. While they are located in the Maritimes, they publish far more than local interest stuff…
Small Press Saturday: Thistledown Press
This Saturday I am thrilled to share Thistledown Press with you. This small press has been around since 1975, originally focusing on poetry. Based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, this Western Canadian press has had success over the years under different owners and leadership, and has broadened their publishing scope to include novels, short story collections, creative non-fiction, poetry, and a rare YA novel.
Happy Birthday to the Bard of Avon!
It’s been a busy few weeks here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library and, yeah, we haven’t managed to post as much as we would have liked, but what’s done is done. Though we’ve seen better days, we definitely couldn’t let this day go by without at least a tip of the virtual quill to the Sweet Swan of Avon, the National Poet of England, the Immortal Bard… William Shakespeare!
Happy Birthday, William Morris!
Born on this day in 1834, William Morris is perhaps best known as an artist and designer, and a major force behind the Arts & Crafts movement. But he was also a poet and novelist, connected to the Pre-Raphaelite movement of the mid-1800s, and also the founder of the Kelmscott Press in 1891.
Ten Little Zombies: A Love Story
There lurk some stranger, darker corners here within the Butterflies & Aliens Library of Literary Eccentricities & Rarities. It is against that backdrop, in honour of the annual day of celebration of love and flower shops that we call Valentine’s Day, that I share one of my favourite books of the love poetry genre, Ten Little Zombies: A Love Story.
Happy Birthday, Alice Walker!
Alice Walker was born on February 9th, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia, USA. A writer and poet, she has written seven novels, four collections of short stories, and four children’s books, as well as essays and poetry.
Edgar Allan Poe’s Birthday
Born on January 19th, 1809, Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer of poetry and fiction. He was also the first author to try to make a living off writing…