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Book of the Week: Moon of the Crusted Snow
For this week’s Book of the Week we have a book that first came out in 2018, with its sequel just released last year. Call it an anti-dystopia?
No avatar, just an original
So just wanted to share a quick post about a new acquisition up here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library North, and a bit of an associated mystery, a real literary eccentricity and rarity. The book is Avatar Inc: A Sci-Fi Anthology edited by Ann VanderMeer and published March 13, 2020, by the XPRIZE Foundation.
Yeah, that XPRIZE Foundation…
Now with an update!
Star Wars: A New Approach
In 2015, no doubt propelled by the-marketing-machine-that-is-Disney acquiring Lucasfilm three years prior, three “original retellings” of the original three Star Wars movies arrived in bookstores and libraries in hardcover format, followed by paperback editions in 2019…
Following up on my recent post about Becky Chambers’ Monk and Robot series, I wanted to dig a bit deeper into the “solarpunk” subgenre to which these two novellas belong. This is what I found…
Book Mail: Life Beyond Us
Just wanted to do a quick share of one of the Butterflies & Aliens Library’s latest acquisitions, Life Beyond Us, edited by Julie Nováková, Lucas K. Law, and Susan Forest, and published by Laksa Media Group in partnership with the European Astrobiology Institute…
The Monk and Robot books by Becky Chambers
Thought we needed to break up all the book news with something more “traditionally” Butterflies & Aliens, so wanted to quickly share a favourite new read… the Monk and Robot series by Becky Chambers…
Frankensteining Frankenstein
At the When Words Collide festival in 2021, towards the end of a workshop on Altered Books, I mentioned that the next project I was pondering was something to do with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, riffing off the central theme of the story to assemble a copy of the book made up of parts of different editions.
My small but mighty audience was intrigued, and we decided to plan a workshop around that idea for WWC 2022…
Happy Towel Day 2022!
Last year, for our inaugural Towel Day here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library, it made sense to share the book series from whence came the Towel Day name.
But as much as I love The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, to honour Adams this year I thought I’d shout out his lesser known Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and its sequel The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
From water does all life begin…
With the release of Denis Villeneuve’s new version of Frank Herbert’s Dune brought to the big screen, it seemed a terrible oversight to not have a post here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library about the original book itself, in many ways a key piece of our origin story…
Star Trek Day 2021
Being the huge science fiction fans that we are here at the Butterflies & Aliens Library, we couldn’t let this day go by without at least some small post of recognition! So in honour of Star Trek Day, we wanted to share a peek into Star Trek Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library / Maps from the Star Trek Universe…
In celebration of a colleague receiving his mail ordered Folio Society editions, as well as the upcoming AppleTV adaptation, I thought I’d share a few images from my collection of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series. Beginning with the original trilogy published in the early 1950s, the Foundation universe grew to include seven novels in the series and another eleven within the same fictional timeline, plus additional books by other authors set in the same universe.
Who needs books when…
Content Warning: This post includes images of a book being physically altered, by which I mean getting cut up. Also #spoilers.
So this weekend my latest altered book project came together, the third in a series based on dystopic novels with themes relating to reading, censorship, and language.
This time the subject of my experimentation was Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, one of my favourite science fiction novels of all time…